No Person Is an Island


I am in full support of Ukraine and against the overinflated ego of one man who has somehow justified his actions to himself, as well as his “yes people.” This is not a political statement; it’s a humanitarian one.

It is also an opportunity to identify parallels to our businesses and the impacts when one individual goes rogue and perpetuates silos, non-collaboration, and every other activity that is counter to being in lockstep with the rest of the team.

No person is an island. People need people and that is most evident in healthy organizations. Otherwise, it affects our company culture from the top down.

In my career, I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to work for and/or be a part of well-run executive teams in which each member was respected for their voice and contribution to the group.

However, I’ve also had a front row seat to what happens with a lack of leadership, vision, conflict avoidance, systemic promotion of bad behaviors, and the like...

Whether positive or negative, alignment or malfunction, all actions affect the organization to the benefit or detriment of the employee culture, the client experience, and ultimately, the company profitability.

In his book, The Advantage, bestselling author and business consultant, Patrick Lencioni, asks a thought-provoking question about achieving a “One Team Approach”:

  • What is your first priority? The team you lead or the one that you’re a member of?

FYI --- He offers compelling research and first-hand evidence that as leaders, we should prioritize the group that we are a member of. Otherwise, we function much like Congress does, lobbying for our constituency.

To learn more about this concept, check out the snippet here:

Advancing his organizational health philosophy, Lencioni also identified the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team as:

1.           Absence of Trust

2.          Fear of Conflict

3.          Lack of Commitment

4.          Avoidance of Accountability

5.          Inattention to Results

Pause and take in his advice. Now answer these questions:

1.           How is your company culture?

2.          Has it been impacted heavily due to the pandemic, market shifts, virtual working, new employee onboarding, etc.?

If you aren’t sure, then test it. Take Authentizity’s Culture Quiz here!

Are your results what you’d hoped they’d be? Do you need proactive strategies to improve your employee engagement and/or leadership alignment?

As always, I’m here as a resource. Contact me at

— Dawn F. Landry




















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