Year of Surrender


As I mentioned in my November post, 2017 has been my Year of Surrender.

Let’s face it — despite our best laid plans, life rarely follows a predictable path. However, I’ve found that if you relax and breathe through the challenges that you will be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Trust me; I wasn’t born with this trait. I come from a long line of worry warts. I have omitted names to protect their identities; they know who they are, and that I love them despite it. In fact, you could even call them Worrier Warriors. If there is something to worry about, they will find it. They also welcome the company to get you worked up right there with them.

Worrying is natural; however, I choose differently. I have found that as soon as I become aware of my worrying that I can opt to go down that road or simply focus on a new, more positive thought. It’s a healthier option because I know deep down that 99% of the things that my overactive imagination concocts never come to fruition. So why worry about it?

Now, back to my 2017. I’ve spent the last year testing the Surrender Theory. In fact, it felt like because I had declared that I was Surrendered and Released to whatever presented itself before me that I was tested even more.


It has been an eventful year:

  • I was laid off from my job in January

  • Started my company from scratch with no secret sauce formula in February

  • My husband was hospitalized for five days in May (He’s fine)

  • I had a major surgery in July and was out of commission for six weeks (I’m fine)

  • Hurricane Harvey descended upon our City and wreaked havoc in August (We’re fine)

  • My husband was laid off from his job in August, the Friday before Harvey hit.


And we survived it all. As I write this, I am so thankful for this Surrender philosophy. As we grow, testing is only a function of life. It’s how you deal with the tests in terms of growing and learning from them that catapult you to the next level in your evolution on this great, big, beautiful planet. I’m not quite sure what 2018 has in store for me. I do know that I am more equipped to handle whatever comes my way and look forward to the new adventures that await.

As side note for those interested — With God’s Grace, my husband and I are both healthy; he started a new, even better job in late October; and, my business continues to thrive with fantastic clients and creative possibilities…

Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. 
— Psalm 62:8

— Dawn F. Landry




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